LeaderSource - Tool: Serving Your Organization vs. Serving God
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Tool: Serving Your Organization vs. Serving God

Who are you serving?

Malcolm Webber

Shaping a healthy culture in a Christian organization of any kind requires that the leader align the people to a unifying vision, so that they serve God according to that vision. This kind of culture stands in contrast to what typically occurs in many ministry organizations, where the people merely have “jobs” serving the organization instead of truly serving God and their nation. As leaders, we must shift the paradigm of our team members from having a job serving the organization to serving God and their nation.

The following culture-shaping tool can be used to aid reflection and consequent change.

Working for an Organization

Serving God in My Nation with My Organization’s Vision

What is in this for me? What do I get?

What is in me for this? What do I give?

Fulfilling the requirements

Fulfilling the vision



What we are paid for

What we are made for

The goal is numbers

The goal is life transformation

Tired, exhausted, burned out

Growing and flourishing; refreshed

Following a schedule

Compelled by vision

Unwilling to make appropriate sacrifices

Willing to make appropriate sacrifices

Sacrifices are a loss

Sacrifices are a privilege (opportunities to give to God and love Him)

Feel entitled to remuneration

Grateful for what I receive

Do the minimum requirements

Passionate for the highest

Easily give up

Willing to persevere

Passively waiting for instruction

Taking initiative; being creative

Working on others

Working on myself

Complain to others about challenges

Pray to God about challenges

Quit in the face of pressure

Purified by pressure

What does my organization require me to learn?

I love learning and passionately pursue it

Look to my organization for answers

Look to God for answers


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