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Discover ConneXions

Are you building leaders the way Jesus and Paul did?
Join us for a one-day training to discover a new (or not so new) paradigm of holistic leader development based on the way Jesus and Paul built leaders...
Discover ConneXions!
Every church leader is acutely aware of the need to build future ministry leaders. How can we do it most effectively? Traditionally, we have focused on ministry competencies alone. But there is more to building people than that.
Come discover how to build leaders with intentionality and focus – men and women who are transformed in their relationship with Christ, and in their interactions in community, their character development, their calling, and their ministry competencies.
There is no better time than the present to embrace new paradigms for building healthy leaders:
Join us for a one-day training to discover a new (or not so new) paradigm of holistic leader development based on the way Jesus and Paul built leaders...
Discover ConneXions!
Every church leader is acutely aware of the need to build future ministry leaders. How can we do it most effectively? Traditionally, we have focused on ministry competencies alone. But there is more to building people than that.
Come discover how to build leaders with intentionality and focus – men and women who are transformed in their relationship with Christ, and in their interactions in community, their character development, their calling, and their ministry competencies.
There is no better time than the present to embrace new paradigms for building healthy leaders:
- A new goal, focusing intentionally on building the whole person – spiritual life, relational capacities, character, vision, biblical knowledge and ministry skills.
- A new process with integrated attention to the spiritual, relational, experiential and instructional dynamics of life transformation.
- A new design with varied learning experiences and challenging assignments that build leaders in real life, the way Jesus and the early apostles did.
- Leaders build leaders and do not just delegate this responsibility to “experts” in academic institutions.
- Churches building leaders, resulting in improved multiplication, flexibility, security, self-support, and evaluation.
- Church planting through leader development; building healthy leaders results in the planting of healthy, sustainable churches.
To get more information or to schedule a training, please fill out the form below.