A Roadmap for Leader Development
"It was like a light was turned on inside his head."

An international university in the American northwest has been using our leader development book series in their curriculum. After studying our models, students were asked what they would do differently in their leadership, and their responses reveal significant paradigm shifts!
“I think that the first and most stark difference in my approach to ministry after having studied the ConneXions Model is that, moving forward, I will be using it as a framework for training up young leaders. I look forward to sitting down with staff members, new disciples, or young preachers, and showing them the 5Cs as a ‘roadmap’ for their development. In the past, I have seen that followers can sometimes become discouraged or frustrated if they can’t see what I’m doing, or where they’re headed. So the 5Cs provide a clear summary of all my developmental priorities for them, and will hopefully help them see that there is a ‘method to the madness’ of leadership development.
Secondly, I recognize that I need to be more intentional about teaching personal, devotional pursuit of Christ to those I lead. I have often simply told them that they need to have a devotional life, or made it a prerequisite for their promotion in my organization, but I have not, I believe, done an adequate job of providing actual instruction or guidance about how to develop the ‘Christ’ portion of the 5Cs; and as a result, some of the young leaders I have tried to lead have stalled before they really even got started in this process.”
“One of the biggest things I have begun to change in my leadership since learning about the 5Cs has been really focusing on the community I have around me. This was an area that I had previously not focused on. I was running my life, including my leadership, in a solo manner. Since discovering the importance of community through the 5Cs model I have begun to put more people around me to help support me and hold me accountable to the rest of the 5Cs. By working to improve this area of my leadership, I have seen a positive impact on the rest of the 5Cs because of the added accountability that community brings.”
“The ConneXions Model has helped me tremendously. First, it has helped put into language and simplify the sometimes lengthy process of discipleship and spiritual formation. This is especially helpful in our extremely fast-paced ‘I need it right now’ society. Secondly, this has helped me be patient with those I lead because the ConneXions Model helps the disciple see where they are in their development. It also helps disciples see that God is working in every aspect of their lives to make them more Christ-like.
It's amazing that I’m asked this question. I just met with a gentleman last week who consults company CEOs on how to build their businesses. He uses Biblical principles, but it is not a Christian curriculum, and it reaches a broad audience of Christians and non-Christians. At the end of the session, he invites attendees to stay for a second session, during which he preaches the Gospel. He came to me frustrated about the next steps of discipleship because he felt like he was leaving those who made commitments to Jesus Christ standing at the start line. During our meeting, I explained the ConneXions Model to him, and he was so encouraged. It was like a light was turned on inside his head. He mentioned implementing a similar process in the earlier sessions and then concluding with the ConneXions Model at the Gospel session.”
“Since studying the ConneXions Model, the primary thing I see myself doing differently is prioritizing each of the areas with as great of value as I was prioritizing Competencies. I was beautifully convicted in learning the 5Cs that I was viewing competencies as a third circle, joining Christ and Community, rather than a leg in the three-legged stool alongside Character and Calling. This revelation not only encouraged me to seek balance in the Lord but also encourages me to help the young leaders that I get to disciple experience this reorientation for themselves. I was especially convicted to disciple people in investing in their Character and am excited for the Lord to show me how to do this well.”