Doing Well in the Fire Series - Part 1
Will you do well when everything is against you?
Malcolm Webber

Every believer goes through sufferings of many kinds. These suffering are for a purpose: to transform our lives and to bring God glory. But this transformation is not automatic. It’s how we respond that counts. It is our response to adversity that determines whether it will help us or hurt us. Sadly, probably more often than not, sufferings destroy people because of their bad responses. But, by God’s grace, we can learn to do well in the midst of the fire. To “do well” means to respond well to suffering and actually to grow through the suffering – to find God in a deeper way and to be more conformed to the image of Christ. It’s good to endure the fire; it’s even better to endure the fire well!
All Episodes In This Series:
Doing Well in the Fire Series - Part 1
Will you do well when everything is against you?
Doing Well in the Fire Series - Part 2
This teaching examines the first of four critical components of a good response to suffering: faith.
Doing Well in the Fire Series - Part 3
This teaching examines the second of four critical components of a good response to suffering: your identity in Christ.
Doing Well in the Fire Series - Part 4
This teaching examines the third of four critical components of a good response to suffering: responsibility.
Doing Well in the Fire Series - Part 5
This teaching examines the fourth of four critical components of a good response to suffering: an eternal perspective.