Jesus' Constant Dependency on the Father
Revealing the Father Series, Part 1
Malcolm Webber

There is no record in the gospels of Jesus writing a plan for what He was going to say or teach that day ‒ ever! There is no record that He ever made a plan of His goals for the year or month. He never asked for advice from anyone around Him about what He should do or how He should handle certain situations. And yet He profoundly affected the lives of all those He came in contact with ‒ to the extent that many entirely left their previous lifestyles and gave themselves utterly to following and serving Him. How did He do this? He lived in constant inward fellowship with His Father. This was the source of all His teachings, His wisdom and His words. This was how He always knew what to do and what to say. This was how He always knew who to talk to and what to say to them, and when to keep quiet. This was the source of His life and ministry. He lived in the presence of God and ministered to others out of that inward life.