To Enjoy Him Forever
The whole of the Christian life comes out of a living, inward union with its Source: Jesus Christ Himself.
Malcolm Webber

Jesus died on the Cross to restore man to fellowship with His God. This fellowship means more than just a legal position in Christ; it is a living, daily experience. Out of this experience comes the whole of the Christian life.
To know Jesus is our ultimate purpose. To fellowship with Him is our highest calling. And when we have Him, we have everything. Let us come to know personal fellowship with Him first, and the rest will follow! Eternal life, healing, deliverance, peace, joy, holiness, righteousness, faith, the fruits and gifts of the Spirit, spiritual strength and power – all are in Him. This book is based on this profound premise!
In Him we are complete and can do all things, and without Him we are empty and can do nothing. Our only end – our only purpose – is the Lord Jesus Christ. Let Him be your pursuit!