In Him Was Life
Our eternal God made us to enjoy eternal fellowship with Him. Out of this divine fellowship flows all other communion in the Body of Christ.
Malcolm Webber

The word “fellowship” might evoke images of potluck Sunday luncheons and social gatherings, but the biblical definition is much deeper.
The Greek noun for “fellowship” is koinonia, and it describes the beautiful relationship of faith which connects true Christians to God and to all other true believers. This sort of profound, genuine fellowship is sadly lacking in the Body of Christ today.
We do not need more religiosity, dogma, or programs in our individual lives or in the Church today. Rather, we need Divine fellowship and an awareness of God in ordinary life; this is the source of all true Christian character! If we as the Church long for unity, we must begin with fellowship with our eternal God.
With Christ at the center of each individual, each local church, and ultimately the Body of Christ, all in fellowship with our eternal God and with one another, the Church can accomplish what it was destined by God to do. Unity in the Body of Christ cannot be based upon or tied to an individual, a similar culture, ethical standards, evangelism, doctrine, or even an outward confession of Christ. Unity without pretense is found in fellowship with Christ alone!