Engaging in Ministry Like Never Before
Igniting passion in Liberia!

A pastor from Sierra Leone came to a LeaderSource training last year in Liberia and has been requesting since that time that we bring a training to his own country. This year, our Liberia team held trainings in the cities of Freetown and Bo, with a total of around 80 participants.
The need for healthy leader development was quickly confirmed by one transparent confession of a pastor who said he had lost four churches he had planted because he did not know how to keep leading the people in the Word of God.
“Many people launch churches and they fail; they have no preparation. But if they had this training I think they would have done better!”
Another pastor stepped up and helped our team in guiding participants to design their personal growth plans. This so ignited a fire within him that he cleared his calendar for the following week and went on the journey with us to the next training. This fire was not only ignited in him but also in his wife. A few weeks after we returned home, he reported that she has had an amazing transformation from passive involvement to embracing leadership and engaging in their ministry like never before.
Most of the participants were young emerging leaders: the future leadership of the church. Out of their own conviction in obedience to the Lord, one group of six young people from the same ministry fasted and prayed during the lunch break every day of the seminar. There was a sweet presence of God all through the week; and over the course of our time together, two participants even testified that they had been physically healed!