A Unified Church in East Asia
“The message is exactly what we needed to hear!”

At a recent group training, we had been asked to teach on Healthy Church. However, when we arrived our plans changed.
During our consultation with the top five leaders the first day, they shared transparently about their struggles and challenges. Out of this, they asked us to deal with the doctrinal issues that had divided them for decades.
We shared the model of Three Levels of Authority of Doctrines. At the end, they said: “This has completely solved the problem for us. We wish we had this 20 years ago; it would have saved us so much pain and division.”
During the break, one leader of a large church network said:
“This training has happened with such incredible timing. The message is exactly what we needed to hear! Our church family has been in serious crisis. On the surface we were still together, but under the surface we were divided into two big groups. Whenever we came together, we could never overcome the awkwardness. It was like a big rock wall was between us. If this situation had continued any longer, we would have divided the Body of Christ for good.
But then God brought your team to us! The teaching was a like a big bomb that broke the rock of separation into pieces. Now we can embrace the spiritual reality that in Christ we are actually one. I can’t find words to express my amazement and gratitude. It just shows me once again God still loves us and He is still leading us. We are so very grateful for this training!”
Another leader who is one of the top five, the one who has been the “enemy” of the friend who invited us, prayed this in public:
“The Word of God is truly like a sword which penetrates to our soul and spirit, and judges our thoughts and motives. It is also like a mirror, reflecting our true selves. We have sinned against God and have hurt the Body of Christ. May God cleanse us through His blood, forgive our iniquities, remove our guilt, and guide us by His Spirit and truth, that we can serve Him and prepare His Bride in a new day.”
Thank God for the new beginning!