Simple Design and Complex Design
Harness the power of 4D design!
Malcolm Webber

There is both simple and complex leader development design. Just as you can catch a ball without knowing anything about “lift” and “acceleration,” so you can intuitively harness the power of 4D design (incorporating spiritual, relational, experiential and instructional dynamics) without being able to design a full-time, multi-year curriculum for training.
This video was created in collaboration with the 54 Collective.
The Four Dynamics of Transformation
An introduction to a core model.
Context and Content
Both are essential to healthy leader development
Effective Leader Development Is a Complex Collage
Leader development is not simple or orderly.
The Role of Community in the Life of the Christian Leader
Leaders are built in community.
Building Leaders in Community
Transformational communities are essential in the process.
Challenging Assignments
Every emerging leader needs them!
Building Leaders Takes Time
We're growing oaks, not cabbages!
The Power of Being Able to Design
You can do design!
Simple Design and Complex Design
Harness the power of 4D design!
Designers of Leader Development and Users of Design
While everyone can do simple design, God has given the church a few people who can create complex design.
Transformational Leader Development
It requires more than classroom instruction!
Truly Christ-Centered Leader Development
The Son of God is all in all!
A Letter from an Emerging Leader
“Don’t simply teach me; I need you to share your life with me..."